Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Was browsing rainie's bloggie till I came across this. Quoted some parts of that particular post which I find it very meaningful.

愛情, 確實會帶給人好心情、好氣色,
但是, 相對的, 也會帶來煩惱與憂愁.

談戀愛的時候, 因為要考慮另外一個人, 總是患得患失,
往往失去自我、放下自尊, 甚至越來越不愛自己,
和自己談戀愛, 才可以多愛自己一點啊!

或許沒有被呵護的甜蜜, 卻不會有被傷害的風險,
至少不會有失戀的心碎, 和被背叛心痛,
不需要為別人流淚, 為別人憔悴.

Don't you agree? I don deny the fact that being in love is sweet and the feeling is magical. But if that special someone hurt you and left you nothing but painful memories, won't you eventually feel that loving yourself is better than being in love?

愛情如果不能完美, 我寧願不要.

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