My body ached like mad when I woke up this afternoon. My back, arms, legs, muscles and joints are still aching. Even bending, sitting down and getting up seem like a strain. Not because I partied all night ok. Worked for 2 events yesterday - CAAS Family Day at Singapore Flyer and a August Ball at Orchid Country Club. The morning event was very shagged. Kuku! I chose the wrong booth again - basketball. That time tended the clown ring, I thought it was bad enough already but the basketball was worst. I spent almost the whole morning bending up and down and picking up balls. And we were in the stupig tentage, super hot and stuffy. The event ended at 1pm.
Then the packing up. This time round more tedious because we had to remove the backdrops and stuffs and carry the things down from the sky deck to the flyer theatre. It's not very far from the sky deck to the flyer theatre but considering the amount of things we had to carry up and down and making a few trips can faint. And the weather was freaking hot (ok. i should be glad that it's not raining instead). Everything was done by around 4pm but Jean and I had to reach OCC by 5pm. And we haven't change! Super sticky and stinko. Chop chop cabbed home to get changed then cabbed down again to OCC. Luckily cab fare is claimable from Jason. In the cab to OCC, we were actually chatting initially but somehow we just dozed off unknowingly until the cabbie uncle suddenly exclaimed that he went the wrong way. Ewww. I thought the journey gonna take for ever. But it seemed to me that he probably took 20 minutes or lesser? East to North. How come so fast?!
I like dinner events. No hot sun and more relax. Heehee. Yesterday's dinner event was great. As usual, I did the sticker tattoo and Jean did the digital print. Though I was very tired but still enjoyed much while working. All of the guests were so nice and patient. Unlike few of the previous events, some of them were super mega irritating. They don't queue up and machiam like one bunch of kiasu "aunties" in the market. All the "aunties" will surround and bug me for their turn or ask this ask that. Hello?! Can't the "aunties" wait a minute? I don't have 4 heads and 4 pair of hands ok. WAH LAO! It's only sticker tattoos not magical stickers. As if after sticking them on, they will turn 20 years younger. Some very inconsiderate. Die die must stick 2 or 3 then happy. Eh HELLO~! There's other people queueing for their turn also okay. Don't be selfish. And some very cheapo also. After helping them to stick on, they don't even bother to ask but very conveniently and secretly took some, thinking that I didn't notice eh. Eeeyer. It's sooo disgusting. So glad the ladies at the OCC don't have the "auntie" spirit else super irritated plus I was feeling so lethargic.
When Jean was done with the prints, it was already 10+pm, we then went to have our first proper meal of the day - porridge and noodles (simple but very yummy because we were super hungry). No time to eat the whole day, just only ate 2 slices of bread in the morning and some biscuits to last throughout. Jason was very nice too. He let us off at 11pm though the thingy ends at 1am and sponsored our cab fare home. On our way home, we tried to keep talking again to keep ourselves awake. But the cabbie uncle kept talking to us instead. Hahaha.
Though super mega tired when I got home, but I don't feel dreadful about the job. Maybe not yet. After all, I don't do this frequently.
Ok. Enough of ranting.
And it's a brand new week again.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Recently I've been watching the new taiwan variety show - 黄金B段班. Something different from other variety shows is, 黄金B段班 got 10 hosts - 小钟, NONO, 小马, 王彩桦, 小甜甜, 宋新妮, 李佩甄, 韦汝, 黄镫辉, 沈玉琳. And it's not a game show. More like a talk show. Occasionally got guests appearing on the show. Can imagine the studio super noisy and crowded. But not every episode all 10 of them present, most of the time got 1 or 2 will take mc lor.
Last night's episode - 命中注定我的菜 was super entertaining. I almost died laughing. That 小甜甜's expression and actions really super funny can. And she darn straightforward la. LOL.
The back part more funny.
Last night's episode - 命中注定我的菜 was super entertaining. I almost died laughing. That 小甜甜's expression and actions really super funny can. And she darn straightforward la. LOL.
The back part more funny.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pigging in the office
Lately been packing lunch back to office. I'm just very lazy to walk nor shop around. And also because there's telly and sofa at connexions. Jen and I got 2 fave spots - one for eating and the other for watching telly. After eating, we'd just change spot and sit there slack throughout lunch break. Sometimes even snack on junkies. And if the sofa is not that hard, I think I'd just fall asleep. Moreover is after lunch lor. Very sleepy. Hah! How not to get fat?!
The office temperature is very low as usual. And today lagi worst, it's raining very heavily. I'm freezing in the office already. I've been drinking cups and cups of hot green tea to keep myself warm (the office's vending machine got my fave green tea - hot and cold). *yummy~
Omg. The distance to the toilet is not very short lor.
The office temperature is very low as usual. And today lagi worst, it's raining very heavily. I'm freezing in the office already. I've been drinking cups and cups of hot green tea to keep myself warm (the office's vending machine got my fave green tea - hot and cold). *yummy~
Omg. The distance to the toilet is not very short lor.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lousy Tuesday
Seriously lack of sleep for the past few days. Super tired. On and off headaches, heatiness, dehydrating, laziness and foul mood. Very easily irritated. And true enough. That bird brain pissed me off. Very bad timing to rant the wrong thing to me. Again.
Ok. I need to sleep now.
Ok. I need to sleep now.
Monday, August 25, 2008
有人說在找尋愛的過程時, 每個人的人生都要找到四個人.
第一個是自己, 第二個是你最愛的人, 第三個是最愛你的人, 第四個是共度一生的人.
首先會遇到你最愛的人, 然後體會到愛的感覺; 因為了解被愛的感覺, 所以才能發現最愛你的人; 當你經歷過愛人與被愛, 學會了愛, 才會知道什麼是你需要的, 也才會找到最適合你, 能夠相處一輩子的人.
但很悲哀的, 在現實生活中, 這三個人通常不是同一個人; 你最愛的, 往往沒有選擇你; 最愛你的, 往往不是你最愛的; 而最長久的, 偏偏不是你最愛也不是最愛你的, 只是在最適合的時間出現的那個人.
你, 會是別人生命中的第幾個人呢?
沒有人是故意要變心的, 他愛你的時候是真的愛你, 可是他不愛你的時候也是真的不愛你了, 他愛你的時候沒有辦法假裝不愛你; 同樣的, 他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你.
當一個人不愛你要離開你, 你要問自己還愛不愛他, 如果你也不愛他了, 千萬別為了可憐的自尊而不肯離開; 如果你還愛他, 你應該會希望他過得幸福快樂, 希望他跟真正愛的人在一起, 絕不會阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福, 就表示你已經不愛他了, 而如果你不愛他, 你又有什麼資格指責他變心呢?
愛不是佔有, 你喜歡月亮, 不可能把月亮拿下來放在臉盆裡, 但月亮的光芒仍可照進你的房間. 換句話說, 你愛一個人, 也可以用另一種方式擁有, 讓愛人成為生命裡的永恆回憶, 如果你真愛一個人, 就要愛他原來的樣子─愛他的好, 也愛他的壞. 愛他的優點, 也愛他的缺點, 絕不能因為愛他, 就希望他變成自己所希望的樣子, 萬一變不成就不愛他了.
真正愛一個人是無法說出原因的, 你只知道無論何時何地, 心情好壞, 你都希望這個人陪著你; 真正的感情是兩人能在最艱苦中相守, 也就是沒有絲毫要求. 畢竟, 感情必須付出, 而不是只想獲得; 分開是一種必然的考驗, 如果你們感情不夠穩固, 只好認輸, 真愛是不會變成怨恨的.
兩人在談情說愛的時候, 最喜歡叫對方發誓, 許下承諾. 我們為什麼要對方發誓, 就是因為我們不相信對方, 我們根本不相信情人, 而這些山盟海誓又很不切實際: "海枯石爛, 地老天荒, 都不能改變我對你的愛!" 明知道海不會枯, 石不會爛, 地不會老, 天不會荒; 就算會, 也活不到那時候.
在愛情裡, 說的是一套, 做的卻是另一套; 講的人不相信, 聽的人也不相信.
茫茫人海中, 你遇見了誰? 誰又遇見了你?
第一個是自己, 第二個是你最愛的人, 第三個是最愛你的人, 第四個是共度一生的人.
首先會遇到你最愛的人, 然後體會到愛的感覺; 因為了解被愛的感覺, 所以才能發現最愛你的人; 當你經歷過愛人與被愛, 學會了愛, 才會知道什麼是你需要的, 也才會找到最適合你, 能夠相處一輩子的人.
但很悲哀的, 在現實生活中, 這三個人通常不是同一個人; 你最愛的, 往往沒有選擇你; 最愛你的, 往往不是你最愛的; 而最長久的, 偏偏不是你最愛也不是最愛你的, 只是在最適合的時間出現的那個人.
你, 會是別人生命中的第幾個人呢?
沒有人是故意要變心的, 他愛你的時候是真的愛你, 可是他不愛你的時候也是真的不愛你了, 他愛你的時候沒有辦法假裝不愛你; 同樣的, 他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你.
當一個人不愛你要離開你, 你要問自己還愛不愛他, 如果你也不愛他了, 千萬別為了可憐的自尊而不肯離開; 如果你還愛他, 你應該會希望他過得幸福快樂, 希望他跟真正愛的人在一起, 絕不會阻止, 你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福, 就表示你已經不愛他了, 而如果你不愛他, 你又有什麼資格指責他變心呢?
愛不是佔有, 你喜歡月亮, 不可能把月亮拿下來放在臉盆裡, 但月亮的光芒仍可照進你的房間. 換句話說, 你愛一個人, 也可以用另一種方式擁有, 讓愛人成為生命裡的永恆回憶, 如果你真愛一個人, 就要愛他原來的樣子─愛他的好, 也愛他的壞. 愛他的優點, 也愛他的缺點, 絕不能因為愛他, 就希望他變成自己所希望的樣子, 萬一變不成就不愛他了.
真正愛一個人是無法說出原因的, 你只知道無論何時何地, 心情好壞, 你都希望這個人陪著你; 真正的感情是兩人能在最艱苦中相守, 也就是沒有絲毫要求. 畢竟, 感情必須付出, 而不是只想獲得; 分開是一種必然的考驗, 如果你們感情不夠穩固, 只好認輸, 真愛是不會變成怨恨的.
兩人在談情說愛的時候, 最喜歡叫對方發誓, 許下承諾. 我們為什麼要對方發誓, 就是因為我們不相信對方, 我們根本不相信情人, 而這些山盟海誓又很不切實際: "海枯石爛, 地老天荒, 都不能改變我對你的愛!" 明知道海不會枯, 石不會爛, 地不會老, 天不會荒; 就算會, 也活不到那時候.
在愛情裡, 說的是一套, 做的卻是另一套; 講的人不相信, 聽的人也不相信.
茫茫人海中, 你遇見了誰? 誰又遇見了你?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Food for thought
"The next big milestone in your life is today: your graduation. The end of education. You’re done learning.
You’ve probably been told the big lie that “Learning is a lifelong process” and that therefore you will continue studying and taking masters’ degrees and doctorates and professorships and so on. You know the sort of people who tell you that? Teachers. Don’t you think there is some measure of conflict of interest? They are in the business of learning, after all. Where would they be without you? They need you to be repeat customers.
The good news is that they’re wrong.
The bad news is that you don’t need further education because your entire life is over. It is gone. That may come as a shock to some of you. You’re in your teens or early twenties. People may tell you that you will live to be 70, 80, 90 years old. That is your life expectancy.
Singaporeans have a life expectancy of 81.8 years. Singapore men live to an average of 79.21 years, while Singapore women live more than five years longer, probably to take into account the additional time they need to spend in the bathroom.
So here you are, in your twenties, thinking that you’ll have another 40 years to go. Four decades in which to live long and prosper.
Bad news. Read the papers. There are people dropping dead when they’re 50, 40, 30 years old. Or quite possibly just after finishing their convocation. They would be very disappointed that they didn’t meet their life expectancy.
I’m here to tell you this. Forget about your life expectancy.
After all, it’s calculated based on an average. And you never, ever want to expect being average.
Resist the temptation to get a job. Instead, play. Find something you enjoy doing. Do it. Over and over again. You will become good at it for two reasons: you like it, and you do it often. Soon, that will have value in itself."
This is an extract from Adrian Tan's speech to a graduating class of 2008 at NTU's Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information convocation ceremony.
It's an interesting and great speech. Well, he is the author of the popular local fiction - The Teenage Textbook, that's why.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Singapore's Silver
Singapore finally won an Olympic Games medal after 48 long years. The Olympic silver medal came from Singapore Women Table Tennis Team - Li Jiawei, Feng Tianwei and Wang Yuegu. The final battle was between China and Singapore. Though the China team dominated fully with 3 straight wins, but the Singapore team did put up a glorious battle with them. After all, it's not easy to beat World No. 1 Zhang Yining, No. 2 Guo Yue and No. 5 (and former World No. 1) Wang Nan. Whereas Li Jiawei, Wang Yuegu and Feng Tianwei, are ranked 6th, 7th and 9th in the world and 2nd seed team.
(from left) Wang Yuegu, Feng Tianwei, and Li Jiawei
Beijing Olympic medal reverse side
Beijing Olympic medal obverse side
Noticed their expressions during the game? That Wang Nan's expression very kuku yet amusing and irritating. Whenever she lost a point, she'd show her super unhappy face and keep mumbling. Like wanna scold people already. Win a point also mumble and mumble but shorter than she lost a point. Whereas the rest, kind of expressionless but Li Jia Wei and Wang Yue Gu still can smile smile even when they lost a point.
Michael Phelps is seriously the legend of the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

Noticed their expressions during the game? That Wang Nan's expression very kuku yet amusing and irritating. Whenever she lost a point, she'd show her super unhappy face and keep mumbling. Like wanna scold people already. Win a point also mumble and mumble but shorter than she lost a point. Whereas the rest, kind of expressionless but Li Jia Wei and Wang Yue Gu still can smile smile even when they lost a point.
Michael Phelps is seriously the legend of the Beijing 2008 Olympics.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Disney's High School Musical
Watched the High School Musical: The Ice Tour on the opening night with sis.

I almost thought we were going to watch the HSM cast perform that night you know. I did not check out the details till I watched the performance and thought why "Troy" seemed shorter and all them could skate so well. Dumb! Sis gave me the brochure then I saw this -
"A talented cast of world class skaters will perform the adventures of Troy, Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Ryan and of course, the diva Sharpay in two ultra high-energy, fast paced acts! Sing to the music from the original soundtracks!"

But their performance was really great.

After the show, we saw the big gulp mascot.


I almost thought we were going to watch the HSM cast perform that night you know. I did not check out the details till I watched the performance and thought why "Troy" seemed shorter and all them could skate so well. Dumb! Sis gave me the brochure then I saw this -
"A talented cast of world class skaters will perform the adventures of Troy, Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Ryan and of course, the diva Sharpay in two ultra high-energy, fast paced acts! Sing to the music from the original soundtracks!"

But their performance was really great.

After the show, we saw the big gulp mascot.

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Leo Koo :: 我還是你的
你生日 的第一秒鐘
用短訊 祝福你快樂
把手機 和胸口靠著
等你回頭 說什麼
等到天 沉默的亮了
相愛太久 感覺也變朦朧
你離開 找什麼 讓自己再感動
我的呵護 還是你的
堅持抱緊 你的軟弱
讓你像個 孩子驕縱
閙情绪 發脾氣 然後淚流
我的温暖 還是你的
回來像你 没有走過
别怕伸手 我不緊握
深愛是傷裂了還能 温柔
不能問 你心情起落
匿名看 每篇部落格
不想讓 愛給你負荷
連關懷 也遠遠的
我甘心 眼睛卻红了
可能失去 也不能阻止我
把生命 的重心 擺在為你守候
你生日 的第一秒鐘
用短訊 祝福你快樂
把手機 和胸口靠著
等你回頭 說什麼
等到天 沉默的亮了
相愛太久 感覺也變朦朧
你離開 找什麼 讓自己再感動
我的呵護 還是你的
堅持抱緊 你的軟弱
讓你像個 孩子驕縱
閙情绪 發脾氣 然後淚流
我的温暖 還是你的
回來像你 没有走過
别怕伸手 我不緊握
深愛是傷裂了還能 温柔
不能問 你心情起落
匿名看 每篇部落格
不想讓 愛給你負荷
連關懷 也遠遠的
我甘心 眼睛卻红了
可能失去 也不能阻止我
把生命 的重心 擺在為你守候
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Beijing Olympics Opening

On hearing the highly reported news and how grand the opening ceremony gonna be (partly because the ceremony was co-directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou), I was anticipating to catch it on tv. Ok. I sat there for 2+ hours and watched. The starting part was spectacular. The fireworks and lightings were beautiful. And the myriads of people who performed. Stunning. Especially the countdown, drumming, movable type boxes and gigantic painting scroll. Very well organised and co-ordinated. Yup. The later part kinda bored me. And can you imagine how tired the Greece was, having to come in first and gotta stand there and wait for the 204 other countries to walk in?! OMG. Legs can break. Singapore was one of the last few to walk in. Lucky them.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Daddy's birthday
Sun 27th.Jul
Dinner-ed @ jumbo seafood with the family.

Daddy used to bring us there when we younger. It's been years since we last went. It was quite a disappointment. The food weren't as yummy as before and cannot too late go (reached around 830pm) else this don't have, that don't have. Okay. Am surprised too because the standard dropped so much yet still got so many patrons.
I won't wanna go back there again.
Dinner-ed @ jumbo seafood with the family.

Daddy used to bring us there when we younger. It's been years since we last went. It was quite a disappointment. The food weren't as yummy as before and cannot too late go (reached around 830pm) else this don't have, that don't have. Okay. Am surprised too because the standard dropped so much yet still got so many patrons.
I won't wanna go back there again.
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Elva Hsiao :: 衝動
很感激 這城市擁擠的交通
讓你我 還能多相處幾分鐘
人潮中 怕失散所以輕輕拉你的手
一刻不放鬆 不放鬆
忍不住 想要愛你的衝動
不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞
你給的幸福 在我心中自由走動
忍不住 想要吻你的衝動
不確定我的執著 能讓你感動
我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落
關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂
我的心 是被你設定的鬧鐘
提醒我 想你的時間不夠用
為什麼 平淡的事情現在忽然生動
是你改變我 你改變我
你是情人 還是朋友
還沒勇氣 想得太多
你的世界 如此遼闊
很感激 這城市擁擠的交通
讓你我 還能多相處幾分鐘
人潮中 怕失散所以輕輕拉你的手
一刻不放鬆 不放鬆
忍不住 想要愛你的衝動
不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞
你給的幸福 在我心中自由走動
忍不住 想要吻你的衝動
不確定我的執著 能讓你感動
我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落
關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂
我的心 是被你設定的鬧鐘
提醒我 想你的時間不夠用
為什麼 平淡的事情現在忽然生動
是你改變我 你改變我
你是情人 還是朋友
還沒勇氣 想得太多
你的世界 如此遼闊
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The highly raved Heart of Greed (溏心風暴) is back with the follow up Moonlight Resonance (溏心風暴之家好月圓). Both drama are not related in anyway but the cast are more or less the same. And most importantly got my fave Tavia Yeung and Bosco Wong.

Chung Siu Hor (Lee Sze Ki) and her husband Kam Tai Jo (Ha Yu) have been working hard for many years to establish a good reputation for their bakery. However, Hor discovers that Jo committed adultery with her best friend Yan Hong (Michelle Yim) and she divorces with him miserably. Hor brings along her children Kam Wing Ho, Kam Wing Hing, and her adopted daughter Suen Ho Yuet to set up another bakery for a living. This drama revolves around the human nature, family bonds, and love of the two families.
*im so looking forward to watch this*
Monday, August 04, 2008
Money No Enough 2
Watch Money No Enough 2 with the family @ E!hub last night.
Yes. With mommy and daddy too.
It has been ages since we watched movie with them.

The movie is good and entertaining. It's not only a comedy but a'lil touching too (not to the extent that i will tear though). The message in it quite meaningful.
The part where the mother keep repeating her questions to Henry Thia (程旭辉). I almost die-d (laughed too hard). LOL. Go catch the movie.
Go go go!
Yes. With mommy and daddy too.
It has been ages since we watched movie with them.
The movie is good and entertaining. It's not only a comedy but a'lil touching too (not to the extent that i will tear though). The message in it quite meaningful.
The part where the mother keep repeating her questions to Henry Thia (程旭辉). I almost die-d (laughed too hard). LOL. Go catch the movie.
Go go go!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Wilber Pan :: 轉機
凌晨的飛機 最孤單的飛行
從相機裡面檢視著回憶 背景是殘影
我哪裡都不想再去 到哪裡 都觸景傷情
把遺憾托運 易碎的情緒我手提
想膩在一起 我卻身不由己
你每次傷心 我每次缺席
遙遠的距離 我以為我們的愛情
誓言裡 還會有轉機
沒想到陌生機場 寫下結局 各自的轉機
我放不過我自己 轉一圈回到了原地
眼淚是一種提醒 我還愛你 讓一切歸零
我放不過我自己 仍相信愛會有奇蹟
人群中我找到你 我抱著你 (尋找我們的轉機 我抱著你)
我們的愛情 還未完待續
我放不過我自己 眼淚是一種提醒
讓我們一起回憶 我們的愛情
我放不過我自己 眼淚是一種提醒
我們的 我們的 我們的 愛愛愛愛 (愛愛愛愛 愛)
yup. there's also the canto version.
wilber pan's first canto song. nice too.
but i like the mandarin version more.
轉機 (粵語版)
僥幸在一起 曾相熟似知己
也許仿似霎時困在客機 鄰座剛巧有你
共處即使痛快如飛 但各有各要去天地
只可以緊記 有天將丟淡的驚喜
一路不斷飛 重歡樂到傷悲
每一位過客在 到站至知 面對的天氣
問我怎保證我自己 下次一班機都 認得你
別要太早 不舍不棄 終點很遠 終必須轉機
連我都不相信我 途中的曲折有幾多
熟悉的 疏遠了隨幸福走過 不到我撫摸
連我都不相信我 成長中飄泊那安座
誰願找不到目標 只得經過 夢里的花火 短暫的閃過
假若可直飛 無經歷也可悲
也許可以看盡 見聞變遷 是某種福氣
大概必需上了年紀 便會得知終點 是想你
而這一刻不管天氣 風景不美 終找到轉機
從花都飛到了廢墟 但盡管飛到了長住的家里 找到了所需
行李一堆 飛那里 從擔心飛到了安睡
沿路風景也踏碎 空中俯瞰 霧里的山水 轉夢中一對
(連我都不相信我 途中曲折有幾多 熟悉的疏遠了 隨幸福走過
連我都不相信我 途中曲折有幾多 仍舊會 仍舊要 仍舊愛愛愛愛愛)
凌晨的飛機 最孤單的飛行
從相機裡面檢視著回憶 背景是殘影
我哪裡都不想再去 到哪裡 都觸景傷情
把遺憾托運 易碎的情緒我手提
想膩在一起 我卻身不由己
你每次傷心 我每次缺席
遙遠的距離 我以為我們的愛情
誓言裡 還會有轉機
沒想到陌生機場 寫下結局 各自的轉機
我放不過我自己 轉一圈回到了原地
眼淚是一種提醒 我還愛你 讓一切歸零
我放不過我自己 仍相信愛會有奇蹟
人群中我找到你 我抱著你 (尋找我們的轉機 我抱著你)
我們的愛情 還未完待續
我放不過我自己 眼淚是一種提醒
讓我們一起回憶 我們的愛情
我放不過我自己 眼淚是一種提醒
我們的 我們的 我們的 愛愛愛愛 (愛愛愛愛 愛)
yup. there's also the canto version.
wilber pan's first canto song. nice too.
but i like the mandarin version more.
轉機 (粵語版)
僥幸在一起 曾相熟似知己
也許仿似霎時困在客機 鄰座剛巧有你
共處即使痛快如飛 但各有各要去天地
只可以緊記 有天將丟淡的驚喜
一路不斷飛 重歡樂到傷悲
每一位過客在 到站至知 面對的天氣
問我怎保證我自己 下次一班機都 認得你
別要太早 不舍不棄 終點很遠 終必須轉機
連我都不相信我 途中的曲折有幾多
熟悉的 疏遠了隨幸福走過 不到我撫摸
連我都不相信我 成長中飄泊那安座
誰願找不到目標 只得經過 夢里的花火 短暫的閃過
假若可直飛 無經歷也可悲
也許可以看盡 見聞變遷 是某種福氣
大概必需上了年紀 便會得知終點 是想你
而這一刻不管天氣 風景不美 終找到轉機
從花都飛到了廢墟 但盡管飛到了長住的家里 找到了所需
行李一堆 飛那里 從擔心飛到了安睡
沿路風景也踏碎 空中俯瞰 霧里的山水 轉夢中一對
(連我都不相信我 途中曲折有幾多 熟悉的疏遠了 隨幸福走過
連我都不相信我 途中曲折有幾多 仍舊會 仍舊要 仍舊愛愛愛愛愛)
Saturday, August 02, 2008
That's what I thought so especially when in situations like these - You met a new friend, and seems like magic, you both could just hit off well and cliqued. Or you both can't seem to get along well / can't stand the sight of each other but over the time, somehow things happened and brought you girls closer. Just like some kind of connection. And its not each and every friend share this kind of magical feeling with you.
Over the years, through the different phases of life, somehow I've adopted a mindset that friends come and go. As in, at one point in time, you were so close together, talked about everything, shared happiness and problems but next, drifted apart. Though in between maybe still in contact, but everything is totally different. The feeling is so distant. Or maybe worst scenario is, became hi-bye friends. When you reminisce those happy times, there's mixed feelings. Happy because you have those memories but parked in memory lane already, it just seems so impossible to relive those days.
There are exceptions too. Whereas, some friends though do not contact frequently but the bond is still very strong. I don't know how to explain either. The connection is so amazing. Hahaha. Probably friends who fall in this category are just soirritating nice that they wanna bug you for life. But I definitely heart them much.
Over the years, through the different phases of life, somehow I've adopted a mindset that friends come and go. As in, at one point in time, you were so close together, talked about everything, shared happiness and problems but next, drifted apart. Though in between maybe still in contact, but everything is totally different. The feeling is so distant. Or maybe worst scenario is, became hi-bye friends. When you reminisce those happy times, there's mixed feelings. Happy because you have those memories but parked in memory lane already, it just seems so impossible to relive those days.
There are exceptions too. Whereas, some friends though do not contact frequently but the bond is still very strong. I don't know how to explain either. The connection is so amazing. Hahaha. Probably friends who fall in this category are just so
Friday, August 01, 2008
Happy First Anniversary
To SWEET and ME.
Sweet! Finally one year already eh. Hahahahah.
Not months anymore lor (a lame joke between us).
Sweet! Finally one year already eh. Hahahahah.
Not months anymore lor (a lame joke between us).
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